the start.

Ive procrastinated quite some time on starting this blog that took a whopping 2 minutes to create, and now it is here. Im not sure if this blog is for me (as of right now it is since I will be the only one reading it) or you (non-existing reader) but I think the point was the get it started and see where it goes. I recently went to a lecture by Joi Ito who is a college drop out turned MIT director, his “go get em” attitude was the boost I needed to get this started. He spoke about practice over theory which is the idea of creating something and seeing where it goes and adjusting it to suite your needs or others needs once you know where it can take you/them. So this is the start. Of a blog about my funny last name (its not pronounced as you may think) and the fact that I am an interior designer so yeah there will be a lot of that too.